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December 30, 2021 10 min read

Asgard - Viking Heritage Store

Everything about Asgard!

You want to know more about the city of Asgard? Do you know it from the movies you have seen? Or do you simply have a passion for Nordic mythology? No problem, you are at the right place! Indeed, we are going to speak to you about the history, the legends, but also about the presence of Asgard in the popular culture. We will also tell you about the God Odin who had a big role in the creation of this city. Ready to learn more? This is the place to do it!

The 9 kingdoms of the tree of life

Discovery Everything about Asgard | Viking Heritage

Before knowing more about the city of Asgard, it is important to take into account that there were nine distinct kingdoms:

  • The kingdom of Asgard which is the subject of this article and which we will detail below.
  • The kingdom of Alfheim: it exists in the heavens and is not far from the city of Asgard. These are the luminous elves who lived in this kingdom. Moreover, it is necessary to know that these beings were seen as luminous and creative. They would have inspired music, art and creativity in general.
  • The Hel or Helheim kingdom: it is seen as a dark kingdom that is presided over by Hel, the daughter of Loki. It is important to know that only one door could lead to this kingdom.
  • The kingdom of Jotunheim or Utgard: it is a kingdom which gathered the giants of Frost. It is located near Asgard and Misgard. It is seen as the main place of chaos, magic and wilderness.
  • The kingdom of Midgard: it is the kingdom of human beings, which was created by the Gods. It is a kingdom rather close to Asgard. It is also important to note that Midgard joined Asgard through the Bifröst. In Norse mythology, it is a bridge, in the form of a rainbow. Nevertheless, it had a particularity, this rainbow bridge had only three colors.
  • The kingdom of Muselpheim: it is covered with fire. Moreover, it is a kingdom that has strongly contributed to the creation of the world.
  • The kingdom of Nidavellir / Svartalfheim : it is a kingdom which is located under Midgard, at the bottom of the Earth. It is in this place that the dwarves lived and they also worked their forge. Only fires light up this kingdom since it is very dark.
  • The kingdom of Niflheim: it is the oldest of the nine kingdoms. Moreover, it was covered with snow and mist. In the Nordic mythology, it is from this kingdom that all life would have started.
  • The kingdom of Vanaheim: it belongs to the family of Vanir. In other words, they are the other gods present in the Nordic mythology. In addition, it should be noted that they are associated with fertility and magic.

As you can see, many kingdoms existed in the Norse mythology. Moreover, it was possible to see festival halls like Valhalla where the most honorable warriors were sent.

But it should be noted that three of them were more highlighted than others in Norse mythology. Three kingdoms could make their appearance: the kingdoms of the gods Asgard and Vanaheim, the mortal kingdom Midgard and the kingdom of the dead Niflheim.

It is also important to know that these three kingdoms were supported by a giant tree of life, named Yggdrasil. The realm of the dead was located in the roots of this tree, halfway up was the realm of humans surrounded by an impassable sea. The realm of the Gods was intertwined among the upper branches.

Asgard: a little history to learn more!

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The first things you need to know about Asgard are simply the story elements. This will give you a good idea, what exactly it is. It is important to know that Asgard is part of the Aesir domain and that it is located in the center of the world.

But before we go any further, let's give you some information about the Aesir domain. In Norse mythology, it is simply a group that formed the main Gods, associated or simply related to Odin. It should also be noted that this also includes the inhabitants of Asgard. Note also that in the domain of the Aesir, the main Gods cohabited with other groups of deities: The Vanes and the Dises.

Nevertheless, it is important to know that Asgard has a rather complex system: indeed, between the religious beliefs, the mythological beliefs or the cosmological beliefs, it was rather difficult to know on which foot to dance. It should be known that the Nordic cosmology has 3 "clans" of deities: the Aesir, the Vanir and the Jotun. It is important to know that the distinction between the Aesir and the Vanir are relative, simply because they have made peace. But the greatest differences between the different groups of deities remain in their respective areas of influence:

  • The aesir represents war and conquest.
  • The Vanir represents exploration, fertility, but also wealth.
  • The Jotun is rather considered as a race of evil giants.

It is also important to know that Asgard was located in a plain with different temples. We will detail them together so that you can easily imagine, what it could look like:

  • Ivadoll : it is simply the plain where Odin settled. He will also appoint twelve other Aesir to rule with him. It is here that the temples were built. It is also important to note that the Gods extracted minerals and created tools in this plain.
  • The temples: it is necessary to know that there were twelve of them. Indeed, there was one for each Ase. Let us also note that the latter could also correspond to the twelve signs of the zodiac. Let us also note that the division of the year, according to the Scandinavians, were in twelve distinct months, which were under the patronage of a god.

Here are some explanations concerning the various celestial houses which were present in the city of Asgard:

  • Ydalir : corresponds to the palace of the Ase god UII. The latter was seen as an archer god. He was the god of the Sagittarians.
  • Alfheimr : corresponds to the home of Freyr. It is a gift that was given to him when he lost his first tooth as a child. It is also important to know that he was the god of the Capricorns.
  • Valaskjafl: it is a temple which belongs to Odin. It is rather impressive since its roof is made of solid silver. For the astrological sign, it is the Aquarians that they had to federate.
  • Sökkvabekkr: this is the great residence that belonged to Saga. It is important to know that Odin and Saga used to go there to drink quietly from golden cups. For the astrological sign, it is Pisces who was under the control of Saga.
  • Gladsheim: it is the very first temple which would have been built in the Ivadoll plain. It is seen as one of the largest temples, both inside and outside. Moreover, it contains the seats of the twelve Aesiras in addition to that of Odin. For the astrological sign, we note that it represented the Aries.
  • Thrymheimr : it is a temple located in the mountains. The Ase who lived there was none other than Skadi. It is the Bulls who are represented by this celestial house.
  • Breidablik: this is the residence that was given to Bader. This residence was seen as one of the most beautiful in the Ivadoll plain. It should also be noted that it is located in a place where nothing can be impure. For the astrological sign, Bader represented Gemini.
  • Himinbjorg : it is the temple where Heimdall resided. Moreover, it was ideally situated to prevent the giants of the mountains from coming to attack them. It is the Cancerians who were represented by this celestial house.
  • Folvangr: this is simply Freya's home. We don't necessarily have much information about this house. Nevertheless, the astrological sign that was represented is none other than the Lions.
  • Glitnir : it is simply the hall of Forseti. Let us also note that it was also the court of the Gods and the men. For the astrological sign, it is the Virgins that one could find in this celestial house.
  • Noatun: this is where Niord lived, in Norse mythology. Shortly before he moved in, he had an argument with his wife. But each lived separately. For the astrological sign, it is the Librans who were represented by this celestial house.
  • Landvidi: this is the place where Vidar lived. An important geographical characteristic to take into account is simply the fact that he lived in a place where the grass and trees were high. For the astrological sign, as you might expect, it is none other than Scorpio, of which Vidar was the patron.

As you can see, Asgard is a difficult city to understand. But there are still historians who want to know the history of the city.

What are the legends that exist around Asgard?

The construction of Asgard

Discovery Everything about Asgard | Viking Heritage

Although there has been some evidence that has come to light regarding Asgard, there are still many legends that have swirled around this city. It is rather important to know them, so it will be easier for you to see what is true and what is not.

You should know that the Aesir were attacked by the giants of the mountains. The latter were rather violent, the Aesir have been tested a lot. So they decided to take refuge from the attacks of the mountain giants, in a fortress. Since they had no knowledge, they simply decided to accept Hrimthurs' proposal: to build the greatest fortress that ever existed. But in exchange, he asks for the sun, the moon and Freya. That's it!

Of course, the Gods found that the march was slightly excessive. Nevertheless, Loki had an idea: if the construction site was finished in 6 months, the Gods should grant Hrimthurs' request. But they didn't expect the construction to go much faster than they had planned. So they asked Loki to go and spy on the construction site.

The more time passed and the more the construction site progressed, which did not necessarily please the Gods. They saw Loki as an evil eye. Three days before the end of the construction site, Loki turned into a mare in rut and the horse used by Hrimthurs pursued her all night long. The construction site could not be finished in time. But Hrimthurs went into a rage and it was Thor who had to cut off his head.

The final battle of Ragnarök

Discovery Everything about Asgard | Viking Heritage

In Norse mythology, the Ragnerök was none other than the end of humanity, but also the end of the gods and goddesses. It is necessary to know this battle to oppose the Aesirs against the giants and this last one took place in the plain of Vigrid.

The snake of Misgard came out of the water and simply decided to splash the different places of the earth. The latter was moreover equipped with a poison that spread quickly. Meanwhile, the fire giant set Asgard on fire, but also the bridge of Bifröst.

The wolf Fenrir, on the other hand, managed to free himself from his chains so that he could cause death and destruction everywhere around him. The sun and the moon were then swallowed by the wolves Sköll and Hati. Moreover, the giant tree Yggdrasil shook the ground in a rather violent way.

It should be noted that it is during this battle that the God Odin will die. Indeed, the wolf Fenrir and Odin will fight to the death and until there is only one survivor. Note also that Loki and the Emir will kill each other during this battle. Tyr will take care of the guard dog "Garm" and will also kill each other with him.

As for Thor, he will manage to kill the serpent of Misgard, but he will find death at the end of the fight because of the poisoned wounds.

As you have certainly understood, the master of Asgard was none other than the God Odin. And to understand the history of Asgard, we must also know a little more about the person who ruled the city.

He is one of the main gods of the Nordic and Germanic mythology. He had in his power various elements: death, victory or knowledge.It should be known that it is a God who became a grandmaster of knowledge and secrets, but they were not really satisfied with these results.

It should be noted that like many gods of Norse mythology his role is rather complex to understand. Indeed, unlike Greek mythology where each God was attached to a specialty, this one had three to his credit.

Let's also note that in Norse mythology, Odin and his brothers are the ones who created the world, but also created the human race, the dwarves, but also the elves. He is therefore an important god for the city of Asgard as well as for the people who believe in Norse mythology.

The master of Asgard: the God Odin!

Odin | Viking Heritage

As you have certainly understood, the master of Asgard was none other than the God Odin. And to understand the history of Asgard, you also need to know a little more about the person who ruled the city.

He is one of the main gods of the Nordic and Germanic mythology. He had in his power various elements: death, victory or knowledge.It should be known that it is a God who became a grandmaster of knowledge and secrets, but they were not really satisfied with these results.

It is necessary to know that like many Gods of the Nordic mythology his role is rather complex to understand. Indeed, unlike Greek mythology where each God was attached to a specialty, this one had three to his credit.

Let's also note that in Norse mythology, Odin and his brothers are those who created the world, but also created the human race, the dwarves, but also the elves. It is therefore an important god for the city of Asgard as well as for people who believe in Norse mythology.

Asgard in popular culture!

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It is important to know that Asgard has been used in many elements of popular culture. First of all, it is important to know that the Marvel movies have taken this city in order to make characters such as Thor live. Very inspired by the Nordic mythology, the Marvel movies finally retrace the history that took place there.

It should also be known that some music groups have decided to make Celtic music. It is possible to find the city of Asgard in some of the musical works that we know at the moment.

As you can see, the city of Asgard is very much exploited, at present, in popular works. But you should know that Nordic mythology is very popular, in general, in movies and in cinema. Between myth and reality, it is necessary to know how to disentangle the true from the false!

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